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Rugged & Embedded Computer Experts... Cyberchron is the world leader in Ruggedized & Embedded Computers and Peripherals.
A rugged (or ruggedized) or embedded computer is a computer created specifically to dependably function in severe environmental conditions, for instance severe shock and vibration, temperature and humidity extremes, and dusty environments. They are developed from the beginning with the sort of harsh use typified as a result of most of these environments, not just the exterior housing but also in the interior parts as well. Normally, ruggedized, embedded and hardened computer systems provide a similar design robustness and often these phrases are similar.

Computer and electronic system ruggedization is the process of enhancing the reliability and environmental endurance of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. This approach is an increasingly popular alternative to the expense and lead-time associated with procuring MIL-SPEC components. In most cases, in fact, a COTS system provides users with a wider variety of components since the latest commercial technologies can be quickly incorporated into existing rugged & embedded designs.
An Embedded Computer is one designed specifically to be inserted into another product (or application), and that can operate continuously with little or no operator intervention. It is typically a customized, small form factor unit, with greatly extended operational parameters such as 100G shock and temperatures from -40C through +85C.
Military & Government Rugged & Embedded Computer Systems
Mission critical electronics designed for the demanding field portable, naval, airborne and tracked/tactical wheeled vehicle platforms utilized by US and overseas Defense Departments and Security Organizations.
Industrial & Commercial Rugged & Embedded Computer Systems
Rugged electronics to handle the stringent demands imposed by the harsh conditions encountered in many manufacturing, utility, chemical, agricultural and transportation environments keep the operation efficient, the industry moving and the economy healthy.
Computers & Electronics
Deployable rugged & embedded high performance handheld, laptop, portable and bulkhead/rackmount computers and electronics with computational interfacing and communication abilities that parallel the latest commercial technologies.
Displays & Kiosks
Informational, advertising, data exchange and point-of-purchase displays, terminals and kiosks for use in indoor/outdoor wet dusty areas where general high traffic usage, abuse and vandalism are encountered.
Cyberchron Rugged & Embedded Systems has furnished computer and electronic equipment for rugged applications for over 25 years. We are responsible for many of the innovations now utilized throughout the industry. Our technical expertise allows us to offer the latest COTS technologies by utilizing the following ruggedization techniques:
* Mechanical Chassis modeling and design
* EMI/RFI Shielding, analysis and test
* Shock and Vibration analysis, design and test
* Custom, high reliability and wide compliance power supply design
* Built-in Test and system diagnostic capability
* Thermodynamic analysis of system heating and cooling
* Selection of critical components suitable for ruggedization
* Partnering with reliable and quality-oriented vendors and subcontractors
* Full Electronics Stress Screening (ESS) on ALL products prior to shipment.
Our Products
Laptops & Portables
Workstations & Servers
Displays & Terminals
NAS & SAN Products
Semi-Custom & Custom
Mini Catalogue